Family coaching- Coming soon!

Allow a trained professional to work with your family through anything from everyday struggles, end-of life matters, life transitions using a research based, hollisitic approach.

Are you interested in hearing more about this soon to come service?





Are you struggling with stress/anxiety, depression, anger, a breakup, grief, maybe relationship challenges?
Maybe you feel like you are just “going through the motions” in your life, not experiencing growth or pure joy?
Guess what…you do not have to live like that!
So, why are you?

If you ever thought about going to see a therapist or have in the past and thought about giving it another try, you have found the right therapist. I offer a comfortable and relaxed approach; free of any pressure.

If at any point you feel it is not the perfect fit for you, it is not taken personal in anyway. When choosing a therapist it has to feel right for you or you will not reach your full potential in the process! I am in this field because I truly want to help people become the best version of themselves so if that is not with me, I am happy to help you find the therapist that is.

Reach out today, what will it hurt?



Many people feel that seeking professional services for their relationships is for those that are “broken”. This is quite the opposite, it is for those that are worth it to you!

As a therapist, I respect and appreciate my clients that seek services early on, it shows a foundation of dedication and commitment to the relationship.

Most clients are facing issues with communication or struggling with getting their loved ones to understand their feelings. These are typically easy fixes in the therapeutic process that when addressed early on, will contribute to a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. You will gain the tools to communicate with one another in a respectful, productive manner from then on and learn how to compliment one another’s lives, rather than be another added source of stress. Life is hard enough!

A relationship only becomes damaged or broken when issues go on without resolve, creating hurt, resentment or distance over time.

If you do feel as though your relationship is damaged beyond repair, do not worry, there is still hope! I have witnessed (first hand) relationships in this state, that have come full circle and are currently healthier and happier than ever.

Regardless of the current state of your relationship or family dynamic, reaching out for help sooner rather than later will always give you the best chance at success.


The pressures put on our youth today by their peers, social media (society in general) are real and unfortunately are not going away anytime soon.

Do you know of an adolescent or teenager that could benefit from a positive environment? One in which they will learn to better understand their feelings and learn to become more resilient to hardships and let downs when they happen, by building the confidence to do so.

I have worked with children and teens for a good majority of my career, many of them following me in my private practice journey. I am able to provide a comfortable/judgement-free environment that allows my young clients to be honest and open.

I prefer to work in conjunction with parents/guardians, as I view a family approach as the most effective one. Although our sessions are kept confidential, I am happy to provide progress updates and welcome family members to also schedule sessions.

Choosing to seek professional help for your child can be scary, but by no means does it imply that you have failed as a parent or are necessarily doing anything wrong. There are some things we just don’t feel comfortable talking to our parents about and that is ok.

The best thing we can do is provide our children with a safe space when they are needing to talk, regardless of the topic.

*Bonus points for it being a professional, knowledgeable, counselor (and mom) who will work with you and assist your child in making the best decisions for he/she, all while still abiding by and respecting the rules and values you have put in place!